Austrian Company Incorporation – Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
A limited company can be founded by one person with a minimum capital of €35,000 of which only €17,500 needs to be paid in full. There is no requirement for the directors or shareholders to be Austrian residents. The GmbH is the most convenient form of organisation owing to the relative flexibility it offers, most foreign owned businesses in Austria are operating as a GmbH. The Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) is a separate legal entity that limits the responsibility of the shareholders to the amount of share capital.
Documents and Information
To begin incorporation of your GmbH company we need following documents:
Check-list you will receive from our consultant
Passport copy of the director
Passport copy of shareholder(s)
Incorporating your GmbH
First you should provide us with the chosen company name and desired corporate structure, including shareholders and directors. The required documents must be sent, including passport copies, check list with contact information and details about future company's business activities. We then prepare The Articles of Association (Gesellschaftsvertrag). The minimum share capital of €17,500 needs to be deposited to the appropriate bank.
Our company prepares and sends a registration application along with following documents:
Articles of Association;
Notarized declaration of establishment;
A declaration and confirmation from the bank that minimum cash requirement has been deposited;
Signatures of managing directors, and confirmation by the tax authorities that the formation tax for capital transaction has been paid.
On behalfofthe client,our companycompletestheincorporation by registering with the relevant local municipality. Following your company registration,weprovide you with a complete companydocumentspackage including:
Original Certificate of Incorporation
A copy of Austria government-approved Articles of Association
Original share certificates
Original government receipt as evidence of payment of annual Austria company registration and license fees
We can assist you with opening of a corporate bank account. We are working with reputable international banks.
Company Name
The name of the company must end with GmbH to denote limited liability, sometimes it is required to provide a special expert opinion on the permissibility of a company's name issued by the chamber of commerce to the commercial register, especially if company's name includes a reference to Austria.
Directors may be of any nationality and may reside anywhere.
Only one director is required. Although there may be several.
Directors can be residents or non-resident.
Corporate directors are allowed.
Nominee directors are allowed. We provide this service.
Shareholders may be of any nationality and may reside anywhere
Only one shareholder is required. He can be the same person as the director
Shareholders can be residents or non-resident
Corporate shareholders are allowed
Legal address
All Austrian GmbH's must have a legal address. It's the address, to which the company receives its mail. The registered office must be a physical address in Austria. We provide such services.
Share Capital requirements
The minimum share capital of a GmbH is €35,000 but only €17,500 of the total share capital must be paid in before registration.
There are no share certificates in an Austrian company, so a valid transfer of the ownership of shares is only possible by signing documents' at notary's